Friday, December 11, 2009


beautiful penetration

Aww.. the beauty of music
melodic touch
sweetness beyond the censor.
In love with tempo octave flow pitch
tone interval range crescendo decrescendo..
electrical guitar stroke well. Pinnacle every time.
ancestral drums conjur up hip movement
blackness insight power strength
and wisdom..never ending.
Create a globe henceforth
worthy to bear the weight of
obssession to discover through kinetic invisible

because the weight is heavyhoney.
Aww...the beauty of music!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Haven't been feeling poetic
as of late.
the state of merriment and intermission
spin/ I fall.
Sorting through why's and
reasons have soiled the flow/hate
sits aside swinging
it's left foot desiring to be bitten into/stain
enamel and spoil destiny/
I just
haven't been feeling poetic
as of late.