Thursday, January 7, 2010

echos gold rush 74'

(exhaling) not a love poem/thumbs up.

smile at me.
do something profound.
stop playing games.

be honest.
speak your mind.
be real. be real.

stop questioning me!
stop questioning us!
stop questioning life! Answer!

stop acting like you don’t see me. want me.

why can't you love right?
why you love wrong? crOOked?
why did you lie last June?

can we build together?
can we talk about anything?
can you be good to you me us?

when did you stop loving me?
when did you meet someone new?
when did you become to weak to think?

who are you?
who are you becoming?
who is standing before me?

curious and curious living
leaning on an invisible cane
that's been kicked and dragged

now smiling habitually.

Mr. Luna is the mate of choice
broadens the smile already chiseled. He fine!

ain't no bag lady/you gon hurt yo’ back/dragging all dem bags like that!"
so..pack light (2 new clutches) and adding more. "Ooh..ooh..!"

sorting through love wit a fine tooth comb
cuz obsessed/hooked on Sunflower seeds sweet smells showers fresh laundry lil’nubian and swaying hips on tron' and live music
in moderation since ladyqueennubian.. respectfully.

but this love thing..
digging like a "Ninja miner" in Mongolia
in search of the "untapped"
in revolt of the Hernan Cortes of heart

So smile at me.
do something profound.
stop playing games.

Listen..I dug in the files of my mind for this one. I LOVE THIS SONG til I'M DIRT YOU HEAR!Was around 13 or 14 at first listen (WOW!) that's over two decades ago! (WOW!)Had to put the live version on. Grown folk only PLZ! Mercy(!) I give you, the Stylistics

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