Sunday, February 7, 2010

What a Ball!

Good Folk+Good Vibes= Good Fun!

the night is chilly but calm
northwester has settled its dispute
with the living dead
whom cursed its blow

met Sandman
buying a pack of gum
he exclaimed, "wish I was coming"
woulda been interesting.

slick rick's, mona lisa spun while
folk posted on lounge chairs
stood in corners
beer and wine glasses were hand decor

baffled by inactivity dance consumed me
grew up on this
how on earth can One sit/stand still?
"put away your money/I'll buy that slice"

sashayed straight way through
round asses and swollen pecks…

"the compliment showed she had a mind in her/
and when I smiled I almost blinded her"
she said, "great scot are you a thief?
seems like you have of mouth full of gold teeth…

zoned in ready
only 1 minute in the place.
"and calling me a thief, please
don't even try it said, "sit down eat your slice of pizza and be quiet!"

merriment, my underwriter of
the evening. force field
exude. rightly so.

only fair for the living dead.
inspiration ever pool.
fools desire less
it does the soul well to be free

"trim slim and I’m also dark skinned"


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